MarineVessel Services and Off-shore Operations

Emcah Oil and Gas Limited also provide ancillary services and products used in the oil and gas industry. We have established an outstanding regional and national reputation for excellence in vessel charter and logistics support in the maritime sector. Our Offshore services portfolio was principally set up as a marine logistics and vessel charter initiative with interest in the operation of various types of specialized vessels for support services in the oil and gas industry. Our team of Master Mariners and Naval Architects have extensive experience in offshore activities ranging from simple marine operations to challenging and complex offshore projects. As an offshore solution based company, Emcah provides support to the marine industry.

We are continuing to drive growth and operational improvements with a focus on three areas: introducing new business models to expand our presence in key markets including other West African countries, applying product innovations that embrace digital capabilities and partnerships, and emphasizing integrated commercial operations and cross-product-line solutions.


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Abuja Office: 10 Lachlan Close, Maitama, Abuja

US Office:  9901 Gaines Road, Sugarland, TX 77498

+2348055207617,  +1 (832) 759-1696,